Monday, April 21, 2008

Warrior Bugs?

DARPA, the development house of the Pentagon also working on Mech suits and SkyNet, have celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. According to an article from Time magazine, their newest project is breeding real bugs with functional electronic circuitry inside!

I urge you, fine readers, to regard what may seem like a pipe-dream to biology students, and a sweet fantasy to military tacticians, for what it really is: Utterly Terrifying.

"But Profundo, you can't possibly be worried about electronic surveillance via cockroaches." "But Verde, there is no way a fleet of electronic locusts could decimate a country's food supply!"

In a world where bugs can be grown into mini-robots, anything is plausible. But these suggestions are knee-jerk and unfounded. No, if there is anything to be terrifying about bugs with computer brains, it is the scurge of Japanese forests, the Giant Asian Hornet.

This behemoth insect has not only enough strength to carry more circuitry than most flying insects, but jaws powerful enough to destroy any number of plants and insects. Their sting can function as a piercing tool or as a cannon, spraying flesh-dissolving acid into the eyes of its victims. And their wings are powerful enough that they could potentially carry internal explosives and function as flying grenades! (OK, so I doubt that is physically possible).

Having thought about it more, this is a great idea. So great in fact that I would love to control the reigns for a bit. Behold, my army of Asian Hornets! Cower before me! Wha Ha Ha!

Click here to read the full article!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

What's so Funny 'Bout Peace, Love, and Aristarchus?

Whether the Sun or the Earth is at the center of the solar system is simply a matter of perception. To go to blows over the arbitrary definitions and approximations preferred by one group or another is in itself the very madness that separates humanity from the divine.

Aristarchus of Samos was no more a prophet than a pioneer. He was no less a heathen than a saint. He simply favored one set of approximate estimates over another.

Nevertheless, until I have it in God's own script, you will not find me turning to bloodshed in His name.

(Thanks go to for the pic.)

Click here to read the full article!

Point, Counter-Point on the New Mortal Kombat

Over at Profundo Spielen I've got a new argument both for and against the new Mortal Kombat game.

Will the combination of two great IP's yield something greater than either franchise has seen before, or will the end result simply remind us of the Justice League SNES game... uggh.

Continue on to Profundo Spielen to read more!

Click here to read the full article!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Trade Jared Allen?

The Kansas City Chiefs could look upon a single player's performance last year as the lone glimmer of hope remaining for the team during a dreadful 2007 season. And now it is rumored that Allen will be traded before the draft next Saturday, the 26th of April.

Head over to Profundo Rosso to read why trading Number 69 is actually the best idea. As a Kansas Citian, Profundo Rosso is supporting a Profundo Controversial stance!

Click Here to read why Jared Allen's time has come... to go.

Click here to read the full article!

Profundo Spielen debuts with a QUAKE!

Profundo Spielen, the Profundo home of video games and interactive media, debuted today under rather ominous circumstances.

Whether a sign from the Gods of their collective displeasure, or simply a cowing of the great powers before such a terrifying combination of intellectual property, see the first in a multi-part look at the failures of the Superhero and Mortal Kombat franchises, and stay tuned to Profundo for what the new Mortal Kombat crossover could mean for both.

Click here to read the full article!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

KC Wolf's place in the cosmos, on Profundo Rosso's debut

Presenting the debut of the Profundo Rosso Kansas City Chiefs blog!

Profundo Rosso and the KC Wolf Cosmology

Profundo Verde is the main hub of what will grow into numerous discussion areas and topics. From here one can access articles on all of the Profundo websites available today and those yet to come.

Click here to read the full article!

Turtles, all the way down...

Hello, and welcome to the foundation. What follows in the posts above will inevitably consist of more turtles, an elephant, and a tiger. Only upon a secure tiger can I hope to rest the world.

Engineers are, at this moment, designing the most efficient load-bearing animals upon which this project may securely rest.

Thus begins the vast experiment that is ProfundoVerde.

(image from, found via GIS)

Turtles, all the way down.

Click here to read the full article!